发布人:陈俊川  发布时间:2017-10-19   浏览次数:7362



1987年 获中国社会科学院研究生院近代史系硕士学位

1984年 获苏州大学历史系学士学位


●自2015年始 德克萨斯大学东亚研究中心主任

●自2012年始 德克萨斯大学奥斯丁校区历史系教授

2009-2012年 德克萨斯大学奥斯丁校区历史系副教授

2001-2006年 密苏里大学哥伦比亚校区历史系助教授



 Reinventing Modern China: Imagination and Authenticity in Chinese Historical Writing.Honolulu:  University of Hawaii Press, 2012.《重构近代中国:中国历史写作中的想象与真实》(夏威夷大学出版社2012英文版;中华书局2013年中文版) (本书获2014年度德州大学奥斯汀校区汉密尔顿专著奖)

 Village China under Socialism and Reform: A Micro-History, 1948-2008.Stanford University Press, 2009. (Recipient of 2009 Cecil B. Currey Book Award, the Association of Third World Studies; winner of the 2010 CHUS Award for Academic Excellence; winner of Robert W. Hamilton Book Runner-Up Award, University of Texas at Austin).《乡村中国纪事:集体化和改革的微观历程》(斯坦福大学2009年英文版;法律出版社2010年中文版(本书获第三世界研究协会2009年最佳图书奖、美国中国历史学会2010年杰出学术奖;2010年度德州大学奥斯汀校区汉密尔顿专著奖)

 Village Governance in North China, 1875-1936.Stanford University Press, 2005.《华北村治:晚清和民国时期的国家与乡村》(斯坦福大学2005年英文版;中华书局2008年中文版)

 (合著)《中国现代化的历史进程》 (安徽人民出版社1994)


(1)  “Remaking China: geopolitics, fiscal-military strength, and state transformation, 1600-1950” (book manuscript in progress).《再造中国:国家转型中的地缘、财政和认同,1600-1950》(英文专著,已完成初稿)

(2) “China under Mao: a new interpretation” (book manuscript in progress).《毛时代的中国:一个新的解释》(英文专著,已完成大部分章节)


(1) Book Series “Rethinking Socialism and Reform in China” published by Brill“中国社会主义和改革道路的再思考”丛书(计划出版15卷,已出版两卷)

(2) Book Series “Studies in Contemporary Chinese History” Published by Brill“当代中国史研究”丛书(计划出版10卷,已出版两卷)














 “Everyday Power Relations in State Firms in Socialist China: A Reexamination,” Modern China, vol. 43, no. 3 (2017), pp. 288-321.  

 “Institutions and Work Incentives in Collective Farming in Maoist China,” Journal of Agrarian Change, first published online August 6, 2016.   

 “Worker Performance in State-Owned Factories in Maoist China: A Reinterpretation,” Modern China, vol. 42, no. 4 (2015), pp. 377-414.  

 “Rewriting modern Chinese history in the reform era: changing narratives and perspectives in Chinese historiography,” in Q. Edward Wang and Georg G. Iggers, eds., Marxist Historiographies: A Global Perspective, Routledge, 2015, pp. 87-103. 

 “Status Identity, Institutional Constraints, and Work Efficiency in State-Owned Enterprises in Maoist China, Open Times (Kaifang shidai), no.3 (2015), pp. 13-33

 “Fiscal Cycles and the Low-Level Equilibrium under the Qing: A Comparative Analysis,” Social Sciences in China中国社会科学(英文版), Vol. 36, No. 1 (January 2015), pp. 144-171.  

 Between the State and the Village: Land Taxation and Substantive Governance in Traditional China,” in Philip Huang and Kathryn Bernhardt, eds., Research from Archival Case Records: Law, Society, and Culture in China, Brill, 2014, pp. 257-285.   

 “Rewriting Modern Chinese History in the Reform Era: Changing Narratives and Perspectives in Chinese historiography.”Storia della StoriografiaVol. 62, No. 2, pp. 89-104, November 2012.  

 “From Revolution to Modernization: The Paradigmatic Transition in Chinese Historiography in the Reform Era.”History and Theory, Vol. 49, No. 3, pp. 336-360, October 2010.  

 “Between Tradition and Revolution: Fan Wenlan and the Origins of the Marxist Historiography of Modern China,” Modern China, Vol. 36, No. 3, pp. 269-301, May 2010.  

 “Cultural Transition and Village Discourse in Twentieth-Century China.”In William L. Ascher and John M. Heffron, eds, Cultural Change and Persistence: New Perspectives on Development, pp. 113-132.New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.  

 “Confrontation and Conciliation under the Socialist State: Peasant Resistance to Agricultural Collectivization in China in the 1950s,” Twentieth-Century China, Vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 73-100, April 2008.  

 “The First Encounter: Peasant Resistance to State Control of Grain in East China in the Mid-1950s,” The China Quarterly, No. 185, pp. 145-162, March 2006.  

 “Everyday Strategies for Team Farming in Collective-era China: Evidence from Qin Village,” The China Journal, No. 54, pp. 79-98, July 2005.  

 “Life Course, Labor Remuneration, and Gender Inequality in a Chinese Agrarian Collective,” The Journal of Peasant Studies, Vol. 32, No. 2, pp. 277-303, April 2005.  

 “Family Life Cycle and Peasant Income in Socialist China: Evidence From Qin Village,” The Journal of Family History, Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 121-138, January 2005.   

 “Power, Discourse, and Legitimacy in North China Villages: Disputes Over the Village Head Office in Huailu County in the 1910s and 1920s,” Twentieth Century China, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 73-110, April 2003.

 “Village Regulations at Work: Local Taxation in Huailu County, 1900-1936,” Modern China, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 79-109, January 2000.



 Ralph A. Thaxton, Force and Contention in Contemporary China: Memory and Resistance in the Long Shadow of the Catastrophic Past.The China Journal, no. 78 (2017), pp. 186-188.  

 Joseph Esherick, Ancestral Leaves: A Family Journey through Chinese History.Social History, Vol. 37, No. 3, pp. 349-350, August 2012.

Ellen Oxfeld, Drink Water, but Remember the Source.The Chinese Historical Review, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 86-89, Spring 2011.  

 Hao Zhidong and Hao Zhigang, Xijiao cun: yige Huabei nongzhuang de lishi bianqian (Xijiao village: historical changes in a North China village).The China Journal, No. 66, pp. 185-187, July 2011.  

 Xiaorong Han, Chinese Discourses on the Peasant, 1900-1949.The Chinese Historical Review, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 392-395, Fall 2006. 



2015-16  Faculty Research Assignment, University of Texas at Austin

2015     Fellow of Walter Prescott Webb Chair in History and Ideas,

         University of Texas at Austin

2014     Robert W. Hamilton Book Award, University of Texas at Austin

2012-13  The Institute for Historical Studies Fellowship, UT Austin

2011-14  Humanities Research Award, College of Liberal Arts, UT Austin

2010-12  Research Grant, Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange

2010     Robert W. Hamilton Book Award, University of Texas at Austin

2010     Award for Academic Excellence, the Chinese Historians in the United States

2010     Scholarly Activities Grant, History Department, UT Austin

2009     Cecil B. Currey Book Award, the Association of Third World Studies

2009-10  Liberal Arts IT Grant, University of Texas at Austin

2009     Scholarly Activities Grant, History Department, UT Austin

2008     Dean’s Fellow, University of Texas at Austin

2008     Grant of the Lee Hysan Visiting Scholar Scheme, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

2008     Scholarly Activities Grant, History Department, UT Austin

2007-08  Research Grant, University of Texas at Austin

2007     Research Grant, Pacific Basin Research Center, Soka University of America

2007     Summer Research Assignment, University of Texas at Austin

2006-08  Fellow of the Jack S. Blanton, Sr. Chair in History, University of Texas at Austin

2006     Research Board Grant, University of Missouri System

2005     Center for Arts and Humanities Grant, University of Missouri-Columbia (MU)

2005     Summer Research Fellowship, University of Missouri-Columbia

2004     MU History Department Nomination for Provost Outstanding Junior Faculty Research &

         Creative Activity Award

2004     Research Council Small Grant, University of Missouri-Columbia

2004-05  Research Council Grant, University of Missouri-Columbia

2002-03  Post-doctoral Research Grant, Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International

         Scholarly Exchange (USA)

2002     Summer Research Fellowship, University of Missouri-Columbia

2002     Grant for Internationalizing MU Curriculum, Council on International Initiatives,

         University of Missouri-Columbia

2001-02  Research Board Grant, University of Missouri System

1999     Young Scholar Award, China Times Cultural Foundation (USA)

1998     Ou Jou Yi Scholarship, Sun Yat-sen Cultural and Educational Foundation

1997     Dissertation Fellowship, Department of History, UCLA